Occupy Research:
an open, shared space for distributed research focused around OccupyWallStreet / OccupyTogether. We are sharing ideas, research questions, research methods, tools, datasets, and later working to gather, analyze, discuss, write, code, and otherwise develop the theory and practice of occupy research together
How To Occupy:
to promote and spread the methods, techniques and knowledge about peaceful occupation of public spaces while developing sustainable ways of living based on participatory democracy.
Posters from the Occupy Movement:
Occuprint showcases posters from the worldwide Occupy movement, all of which are part of the creative commons, and available to be downloaded for noncommercial use, though we ask that artists are given attribution for their work.
Building a Visual Language for the 99%:
Occupy Design is a grassroots project connecting designers with on-the-ground demonstrators in the Occupy Together movement. The project’s goal is to create freely available visual tools around a common graphic language to unite the 99%. The project places an emphasis on producing infographics and icons to improve the communication of the movement’s messages and the data surrounding them across the world.
Occupy Together
Occupy Together is a hub for all of the events springing up across the world in solidarity with the Occupy Wall St. movement. As we followed the news on facebook, twitter, and the various live feeds across the internet, we felt compelled to build a site that would help spread the word as more demonstrations were spreading across the country.
Occupy our Homes
In 2008, we discovered bankers and speculators had been gambling with our most valuable asset, our homes--betting against us and destroying trillions of dollars of our wealth. Now, because of the foreclosure crisis Wall Street banks created with their lies and greed, millions of Americans have lost their homes, and one in four homeowners are currently underwater on their mortgage.
Not only do we have thousands of people without homes, we have thousands of homes without people. Boarded-up houses are sitting empty--increasing crime, lowering the value of other homes in the neighborhood, erasing the wealth that lifts families into the middle class.
The Occupy Wall Street movement and brave homeowners around the country are coming together to say, "Enough is enough." We, the 99%, are standing up to Wall Street banks and demanding they negotiate with homeowners instead of foreclosing on them.
As the 1%’s evictions begin to successfully silence education on the streets, OccupyEducated.org is stepping up to continue the conversation where it can never be stopped, online. Being out in your communities is still essential, but so is having a universal classroom and meeting place that can’t be dispersed.
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